Buddy Lucas: Down Home Turnaround

Date:Sunday, April 22, 1962
Label/Number:Prestige Tru-Sound 15011
Personnel:Buddy Lucas (ts, harmonica, tamb) Wally Richardson (g) Bobby Banks (p, org) Carl Lynch (bass g) Bob Bushnell (b, eb) Herb Lovelle (d) The Shouters [Dionne Warwick, Dee Dee Warwick, Sylvia Shemwell] (vo)
Tracks:Long Boy / Hokus Pocus / Down Home Turnaround / April Showers / Moonglow
Location:Englewood Cliffs
Producer:Ozzie Cadena (Sound of America)
Liner Notes:
Research Comments:This album featured the Shouters, a vocal trio including 21-year-old Dionne Warwick. (See also June 29, 1962.)
Status Notes:
Sources:OC PR1

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